"The Great Books Exist, Not to Hem us in, But to Help us Break our Bonds"~Albert Guerar

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Critique of vtdigger.com

While looking at vtdigger.com, a site made by Anne Galloway, a former newspaper reporter, I noticed that her money comes from donations, business sponsorships and grants because it is a non-profit enterprise. The money is spent directly on reporting which I like because it ensures that the reporting is to the point and for the people. They don’t seem to be getting many grants, but readers donated $4,500 which is fantastic because it shows that people really like the site and use it often enough to want to give back.
I really Like the article Kamps on video: NRC, nuclear industry have leak-first-fix-later philosophy because it is well written and something that everybody in Vermont should know. It gives well detailed information as well as background information on the chemical that is actually leaking out of the pipes. If it gets released into water, it can get into anything… even our bodies and cause genetic damage. At the end of the article, there are several videos showing the actual interview which I liked a lot also because even though I wasn’t there, I could see what went on and I think this is a good attribute to the site.
For people who are really into politics, there is a section of the site just for them called “Politicker” where there are many articles about what is going on with politics.
But I think my favorite part of the site was the comic section because even though your stories are on line, it still gives off that newspaper nostalgia and flare. All in all, I liked the site quite a bit and I think it would be a good one for me to look at everyday just to keep up on things because I hate watching the news. Good job =)

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