"The Great Books Exist, Not to Hem us in, But to Help us Break our Bonds"~Albert Guerar

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Video Project

How do Lyndon State College students prepare for finals? Our footage captures both the lazy and the over zealous students as they get ready for exams.

The answers you would typically expect from students would be study, getting plenty of sleep, making note cards etc. The students we interviewed took preparing for exams to the extremes. Some students just try cramming the night before the exam, to make sure that they can remember the most important information; other students like to prepare the entire week before the exam. One student described waking up early every day to study, and spend the whole day studying only breaking for classes and food. Each student seems to know exactly what works for them. But then you get the clowns that don’t really prepare for the exams at all they like to sleep a lot, eat "healthy food" such as McDonald's and then drink lots of "water" the night before.

In one scene, you have a girl, Jill Rancourt, and she's frantically studying, searching through her books and comparing notes to the periodic table she looks as though she might have a nervous break down. In another scene, you have a guy, Jake Davis, who appears to be completely at ease like he's not worried in the least bit about exams. He's playing video games, sleeping on his futon and then wakes up to find a rather tasty looking burger on his stomach; later on he is seen with a case of beer.

No matter what you do to get ready for finals, I hope that you have fun and do well.

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